Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Fall Crafts! Yay me!

Well, I managed to get a couple of things done. The first project is just the cutest thing. Pumpkins! I got the idea from Ruth Ann at They were simple, easy, cheap (my fave!). Here we go . . .
Humble beginnings, for sure! I started out with rolls of toilet paper and brown paper lunch bags that I had at home.
Then I added to the mix: fat quarters, quilt batting, raffia and a bunch o' leaves (around a candleholder), all from Jo-Ann's. And of course, DD#1! I got the glue gun fired up, and we were ready to assemble!

I simply cut a chunk of quilt batting to the same size as the fat quarter (which is 18"x21", I think). From there you set the toilet paper roll in the middle of the batting, then start tucking the batting into the hole at the top of the roll. Do the same thing with the fabric. It starts shaping up and looking like a pumpkin pretty quick! When all that's done, roll up a lunch bag, wrap some raffia around it, and poke it down the hole at the top of the pumpkin. You'll have to glue it down here and there (you'll know . . . when it starts falling apart, GLUE!).

Um . . . yeah. That stem looks a little nuts. So I ended up cutting my stem in half. Then I added a few leaves around the base, tied a raffia bow. It was SO cute! We ended up making 4 of these. Don't you just heart them?! I do!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jo-ann . . . She's my BFF!

I made a quick visit to Jo-Ann's last night. You know Jo-Ann, don't you? She's a good friend. A good friend who very sneakily blows through my budget, but a friend nonetheless. I got some fat quarters, quilt batting, raffia, fake leaves, a scrapbook for my DD#1 . . . I think that's it. I've got a project in mind for most of that stuff. I will post pictures at some point. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I should probably make my posts AFTER the project is done and I've got the pictures to post. That would make for a much more interesting blog, wouldn't it? See, I told you I was new to this business. I'll do better. For now, I need to feed and water DD#2 . . . she's feisty. Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Post Number TWO. Seriously?!

OK, so I had a little procrastination situation pop up. It happens. So here I am, oh, about what? Sixteen months later? Yeah, that sounds about right. Anyway, life got in the way of my plans. That happens, too. (And I know it's not just ME!). Many unexpected events barrelled toward me. I was steamrolled, and virtually all of my crafting came to a screeching halt. But now I'm back. I've actually done one little thing since last year. I've made a single card. Woo hoo! See, my blog is good for something . . . if there is somebody out there who feels bad about herself for not getting anything done, then she can compare herself to me and instantly feel BETTER! I did get a lovely Cricut Expression for Christmas last year, along with a few cartridges. And if you didn't believe me before when I said that life got in the way of my plans, maybe you'll believe me now . . . I JUST now opened my Cricut! Yikes. Anyway, I did get it out, read the directions and start cutting major paper. I need to get my camera and post the picture. It's a seriously small project, but it's a start. And we all have to start somewhere, right? Right!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Welcome to my wonderful blog!

Well, it seems I've finally joined the 21st century . . . I've gotten myself a blog. I'm not sure what to do with it yet, but I guess I'll figure it out. I'm going to try to post some crafty photos of some projects I'm doing, and I suppose I'll have to figure out the recipes that go with them (YIKES, that seems like a project in itself). I mainly do scrapbooking with Creative Memories products, but I'd like to branch out into cardmaking and other paper crafts. I do love paper (sometimes I think I have a little bit of an addiction!). I have been known to do the occasional sewing project. This is something I'd like to do more of, learn more about. I'll post those projects, too, if and when I ever get them going. I hope that this blog will make me more accountable for my project timelines! That's the idea anyway. We'll see! Happy crafting!